The Spiritual gifts are designed to be used in and for the body of Christ, particularly in the local
church. Every believer has at least one spiritual gift that is given to them at the time of salvation by
the Holy Spirit. While we should all use our spiritual gifts for the sake of the body, we should also
strive to teach and train others to use our gifts as well. For example, if you have the gift of
discernment, you should teach and train others to use this gift as well since we are called as believers
to use discernment (Phil. 1:9; Heb. 4:12). We do not believe that the sign gifts are in operation today
and ceased with the completion of the cannon.
Definition: to steer the body toward the accomplishment of God-given goals and directives by planning,
organizing, and supervising others
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:28
Greek Word: kubernesis - to steer, guide, helmsmen (A helmsman is in charge of getting the ship to its
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Joseph (Genesis 37-50)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ very good at organizing and coordinating activities
___ able to delegate responsibilities to other people so as to best accomplish set goals
___ good at organizing people, ideas, and resources to accomplish a specific goal
___ good at planning strategies to most effectively pursue a vision
___ may find self in a place of leadership
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Christian Education Ministry: age-level coordinator, children’s director, children’s church coordinator,
Christian Education director, nursery coordinator, Sunday School, superintendent, VBS director
Staffing Ministry: personnel management/placement,
Staff-Support Ministry: assistant, maintain resources and supplies, office administrator, oversee
business matters of the church
Other Ministry: presiding at meetings as chairperson, organizing outreaches, coordinator of a variety of
Observations About This Gifting: • People with the gift of administration must work at balancing task
and people. There can be a tendency to get so caught up in the process that people are overlooked or
Definition: to voluntarily remain single without regret and with the ability to maintain controlled sexual
impulses so as to serve the Lord without distraction
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:7, 8
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Paul (1 Corinthians 7:7)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ fulfilled and content in the single life
___ single and not actively pursuing opportunities to find a marriage partner
___ single and not bothered by unfulfilled sexual impulses
___ able to remain single without getting down from the insensitive remarks of others and pressure of
society to marry
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift: Use along with others in any of the ministry areas but particularly
useful in areas with high ministry demands on time and in areas requiring much time away from home.
Observations About This Gifting: • The word for “gift” in 1 Corinthians 7:7, 8 is ‘charisma,’ the same as
the word for ‘spiritual gift.’ • This gift must be used along with other gifts AND MINISTRY as there is no
merit in being gifted this way if that is all there is to it. The purpose of being gifted in celibacy would be
to allow you to be more effective in ministry.
Definition: to clearly distinguish truth from error by judging whether the behavior or teaching is from
God, Satan, human error, or human power
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:10
Greek Word: diakrisis - judicial estimation, to separate thoroughly, discriminate, judge
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Peter (Acts 5:1-10; 8:18-23)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ people look to this person for help in figuring out right from wrong
___ able to spot a spiritual phony
___ known for good spiritual judgment
___ seeks to prevent false teaching and confusion from overtaking the church
___ desirous of protecting the body from error
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Discernment Ministry: assessment/evaluation of quality and maturity of an established ministry,
doctrinal evaluation
Prayer Ministry: prayer seeking, spiritual warfare
Staffing Ministry: interviewing, needs assessment
Visionary Ministry: consultant, on a church board or steering committee
Observations About This Gifting: • Detecting insincerity and wrong motives, authenticity and honesty, in
another person is part of a discerning nature. • People with the gift of discernment need to be cautious
in designing or implementing solutions. They may be correct in their perceptions but ineffective in their
approach, unless accompanied by wisdom and grace. • People with this gift may need to work through
self-righteousness and defensiveness which it can easily breed. • There needs to be an understanding of
the difference between judging to condemn and judging to correct with mercy and truth.
Definition: to be a messenger of the gospel of the message of life.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11
Greek Word: euaggelistes – messenger of good news, preacher of the message of life (‘eu’=well;
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Philip (Acts 8:4-13, 26-40; 21:8)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ has a strong desire to share one’s faith with unbelievers
___ able to enjoy being with non-Christians because of the hope of sharing Christ with them
___ inviting others to believe in Christ for everlasting life comes easy
___ ready and eager to tell others how to become a believer
___ frequently instrumental in leading others to faith in Jesus Christ
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Outreach Ministry: variety of outreach efforts, church planting, street evangelism, joining other
believers without the gift in visits with non-believers, counselor at end of service when invitation is
given, visitation, member of a mission’s team
Observations About This Gifting: • People with the gift of evangelism should caution against: 1) pride in
number of converts, using it as a sign of spirituality, 2) failure to learn and grow in other areas, 3) seeing
people as numbers rather than people with needs
Definition: to come along side of someone with words of encouragement, comfort, consolation, and
counsel to help them be all God wants them to be
Scripture: Romans 12:8
Greek Word: paraklesis - calling to one’s side
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Barnabas (Acts 4:36; 11:22-26)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ people often come to this person with their personal problems for counsel
___ enjoys encouraging those who are discouraged and down-hearted
___ often challenge others to reach their potential in Christ
___ available to talk with others
___ admonishes others to go on with the Lord
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Benevolence Ministry: cards/notes, counseling, support groups, phone contacting
Counseling Ministry: counseling, care group leader, support group ministry
Shepherding Ministry: individual or small group discipleship, follow-up with new converts
Speaking/Teaching Ministry: exhortations, sermonettes, sermons, teaching, training
Staff-Support Ministry: encouragement
Worship Ministry: through singing, testimonies
Observations About This Gifting: • People with this gift tend to be process-oriented, not goal-oriented. •
People with the gift of exhortation must take caution against: 1) pride in their motivational ability, 2)
becoming overloaded with too many people demands • Someone with this gift may not become
involved in long-term commitment as would a pastor but becomes concerned with the spiritual welfare
of a brother or sister for the period of time it takes to help that person and then moves on to another
person in need (meets a particular need of a particular person at a particular time).
Definition: to be persuaded of God’s power and promises to accomplish His will and purpose and to
display such a confidence in Him and His Word that circumstances and obstacles do not shake that belief
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:8-10
Greek Word: pistis - persuasion
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Noah (Genesis 6-9; Hebrews 11:7), Abraham (Genesis 12-25; Hebrews
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ trusts God for great things
___ has a confident expectation God will accomplish what He says
___ steps out in faith where others will not go
___ sees God answer prayer
___ this person’s faith inspires others
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Prayer Ministry: almost any kind of prayer effort
Visionary Ministry: long-range planning team, participate in special projects, new ministry initiatives
where there are significant obstacles to be overcome and the reality of spiritual warfare is keenly felt
Observations About This Gifting: • Common traits are optimism, perseverance, tendency to be future
and change-oriented. • Someone with the gift of faith will tend to be bored without a challenge and
should therefore avoid only being in ministries having to maintain status quo.
Definition: to share what material resources you have with liberality and cheerfulness without thought
of return
Scripture: Romans 12:8
Greek Word: metadidomi - to give over, share, impart
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Dorcas (Acts 9)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ enjoys giving to those in serious financial need
___ cheerfully gives well above a tithe to the work of the church
___ known for generosity and sometimes sacrificial giving
___ often gives anonymously to those in need
___ willing to lower standard of living in order to help out
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Benevolence Ministry: give directly to people in need or to organizations that reach out to people in
need like hunger and relief agencies
Worship Ministry: all giving should be seen as an act of worship
Other Ministry: direct missionary support; provide care, lodging or other resources for missionaries
home on furlough; scholarship for students training for ministry; sponsor or underwrite special projects
Observations About This Gifting: • A person with this gift tends to display resourcefulness, generosity,
and caring. • If people with this gift don’t have the material resources to meet a need, they will be
motivated to pray and see needs are met otherwise. • People with the gift of giving must take caution
against: 1) a critical attitude of those unable to give, 2) control with one’s money
Definition: to render support or assistance to others in the body so as to free them up for ministry
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:28
Greek Word: antilepsis - laying hold of, to be a partaker of; relief, partake, support
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Epaphroditus (Philemon 2:25-30)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ others know they can call upon this person to assist them
___ feels more comfortable helping someone behind the scenes to get prepared than to do the actual
teaching or leading
___ eager to relieve others of routine tasks so they can move on to more essential areas of their
___ enjoys helping others get their work done
___ genuinely glad to assist others
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Clerical Ministry: bulletin, computer, finances, letter writing, office work, record keeping, secretary
Communications Ministry: editing, newsletter, publicity, sound system, power points
Service-Oriented Ministry: deacon/deaconess, variety of tasks that assist others to get their work done
Staff-Support Ministry: assistant, clerical, implementation, maintain resources & supplies, office work,
research, teacher’s helper
Observations About This Gifting: • By not carrying the weight of decision-making, people with the gift of
helps are free to help others get the job done. • A person with the gift of helps will tend to display a
servant attitude, loyalty, attention to detail, and responsiveness to the initiative of others. People with
the gift of helps must take caution against 1) getting trapped in the responsibility of leading the ministry
themselves. (If they do, they will tend to miss the big picture and will feel frustrated if specific jobs are
not done well.), 2) tendency to put needs of others before those of their own family, 3) feelings of
insignificance • Unlike the gift of mercy, the recipients of those exercising the gift of helps are not
people who are down and out but other Christians exercising their gifts. • The gift of helps is more
people-oriented while the gift of service is more task-oriented. (Focus is on people more than the
Definition: to seek to learn as much about the Bible as possible through the gathering of much
information and the analyzing of that data
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:8 Greek Word: gnosis - primarily a seeking to know, inquiry, investigation --
science, knowledge
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ known as a scholar of the Bible
___ enjoys searching for answers to difficult questions in God's Word
___ able to take information from several sources and come up with an answer or a thesis about a
___ takes great joy in discovering Bible truths on one’s own
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Speaking/Teaching Ministry: preparation for speaking or teaching, writing
Staff-Support Ministry: research
Other Ministry: prepare plan or presentation for a ministry vision or project
Observations About This Gifting: • There are those who would define the gift of knowledge as having
some extra-biblical revelation. There is no extra-biblical revelation outside of the bible. • People with
the gift of knowledge tend to display analytical ability and objective thinking. • People with the gift of
knowledge ought to avoid carrying the primary responsibility to lead or implement the plan they have
helped to devise unless accompanied by other gifting. • Those with the gift of knowledge and not of
teaching may be boring. Few people can learn from them. They have good material but it is hard to stay
with them.
Definition: to stand before the people in such a way as to attend to the direction of the body with such
care and diligence so as to motivate others to get involved in the accomplishment of these goals
Scripture: Romans 12:8
Greek Word: proistemi - to stand before, to preside, be over (literally the one who stands upfront)
Scriptural Role Models to Study: James (Acts 15)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ people respect and follow this person’s direction
___ good at setting goals and seeing the direction the body should take
___ able to guide and motivate people to join in the achievement of one’s goals
___ if in a group where there is no leader, will assume leadership
___ a goal-setter
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Christian Education Ministry: goal-setter of any variety of Christian education ministries
Visionary Ministry: pastor, elder, leader of a variety of target groups, overseer, steering committee
Observations About This Gifting: • The distinction between the gift of administration and leadership
must be made. Two different Greek words are used. Administration (kubernesis) means to steer or
guide as a helmsman. An administrator works more on the accomplishment of goals whereas a leader is
the one who is more a goal-setter. • A person with the gift of leadership should avoid being placed in a
position that requires devotion to details and implementation of particulars. • There needs to be an
understanding on the limits of a spiritual leader’s authority. Gifted leaders do not manipulate or coerce
(Mk. 10:42-45). Rather, because they know where they are going, they generate a confidence.
Definition: to be sensitive toward those who are suffering, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally,
so as to feel genuine sympathy with their misery, speaking words of compassion but more caring for
them with deeds of love to help alleviate their distress
Scripture: Romans 12:8
Greek Word: eleeo - have (obtain, receive, show) compassion
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Good Samaritan (Luke 10)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ has a tender heart toward the needy and will often do what one can to help those who are in
___ enjoys visiting the sick and shut-in
___ looks out for those who are neglected and alienated
___ empathizes with those who are embarrassed and humiliated and seeks to comfort them
___ likes to spend time with those who are lonely and hurting to cheer them up
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Benevolence Ministry: cards/flowers, child-care, emergency shelter, food/clothes distribution, financial
assistance, hospital & shut-in visitation, special needs, transportation
Other Targeted Ministry: ministry to the elderly, disabled, prisoners, poor, sick
Observations About This Gifting: • The focus of mercy is more on caring than counseling. • People with
the gift of mercy tend to be seen as perceptive, consoling, and nonjudgmental. • People with the gift of
mercy may have difficulty in evaluating the intentions of others and may experience the pain of being
used. • There needs to be an understanding of the balance between God’s mercy and justice. •
Exposure to those with the gift of exhortation and discernment would be helpful.
Definition: to be able to minister in another culture
Scripture: Ephesians 3:6-8
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Paul (Acts 9-28 - see 9:15; Ephesians 3:6-8)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ enjoys the challenge of living and working in another culture
___ able to easily and quickly adapt to the customs and lifestyles of another land
___ able to learn foreign languages without too much difficulty
___ appreciates and desires to minister to people different from oneself
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Outreach Ministry: foreign missions, inner-city work, short-term missions
Observations About This Gifting: Those with the gift of missionary will undoubtedly have other spiritual
gifts which they will be able to use comfortably in another culture. • Some evangelists have the gift of
missionary but some don’t. Those who do should consider evangelizing in another culture but those who
don’t are often better witnessing on the home front.
Definition: to be responsible for spiritually caring for, protecting, guiding, and feeding a group of
believers entrusted to one’s care
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11
Greek Word: poimen - a shepherd, pastor; one who tends herds or flocks
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Titus (2 Corinthians 8:6, 16-17)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ concerned for the spiritual welfare of other believers
___ takes responsibility for the spiritual growth and well-being of those under one’s sphere of ministry
___ willing to give of one’s own time to be available for the needs of others
___ provides long-term help for certain believers to aid them in their walk with the Lord
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Shepherding Ministry: care group leader, discipleship, elder, small group leader, pastor of a church
Staff-Support Ministry: oversee staff
Other Ministry: director of any target group, dean of a Bible college, Sunday School teacher who gets
involved in students’ lives outside of the classroom
Observations About This Gifting: • A distinction needs to be made between the office of pastor and
someone with the gift of pastor. Both male and female can have the gift of pastoring while the office of
pastor is only for men. Not all who fill the office of pastor have this gift. • People with the gift of pastor
in the office of pastor will be limited in time to deal with the overall picture, vision, goals and growth
principles because they are so involved in the nitty-gritty’s of peoples’ lives.
Definition: to identify undone tasks in God’s work, however menial, and use available resources to get
the job done
Scripture: Romans 12:7
Greek Word: diakonia - deacon, attendant (‘diako’=to run errands)
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Martha (Luke 10; John 12)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ enjoys pitching in on service projects in the church
___ usually volunteers to help with tasks that need to be done
___ willing to work at a task regardless of how simple or trivial it may seem
___ feels a sense of satisfaction in seeing a job through to completion
___ very dependable for getting things done
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Benevolence Ministry: preparing meals, transportation
Clerical Ministry: almost any kind of clerical work
Communications Ministry: radio/TV, sound technician, visual aids
Service-Oriented Ministry: almost any kind of domestic and maintenance type of tasks,
deacon/deaconess, transportation
Staff-Support Ministry: maintain resources & supplies, clerical, almost any kind of office work
Worship Ministry: prepare communion, usher
Observations About This Gifting: • Service is not a one-on-one person-centered gift like the gifts of
mercy and helps. It is more task-oriented. • The gift of service is often used with other natural skills such
as carpentry, photography, printing, etc. • People with the gift of service must be careful not to: 1)
isolate themselves excessively from relationships with others in lieu of behind-the-scenes work, 2) not
receive from others as well as give 3) not be able to say no to all the physical needs around them
Definition: to instruct others in the Bible in a logical, systematic way so as to communicate pertinent
information for true understanding and growth
Scripture: Romans 12:7; 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11
Greek Word: didasko - to give instruction (primary root: ‘dao’=to learn)
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Apollos (Acts 18:24-28), Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18; Romans 16)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ able to organize one’s thinking in such a way as to systematically present a Bible lesson to others
___ enjoys diligent study so as to accurately teach the Word
___ others comment on how much they have enjoyed this person’s teaching and learned and grown
under it
___ able to thoroughly study Scripture and share one’s findings with others
___ able to make the Bible clear and relevant for others
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Christian Education Ministry: teacher training, teaching within any of the Christian Education ministries,
ministry development class
Speaking/Teaching Ministry: Bible studies, curriculum development, discipleship, exhortations,
sermonettes, sermons, small group leader, teaching, training, Bible Institute teacher
Observations About This Gifting: • People with the gift of teaching are intent on getting the truth out,
sometimes to the neglect of giving practical application of the truth. They must be careful to incorporate
both the presentation of facts and life application.
Definition: to apply knowledge to life in such a way as to make spiritual truths quite relevant and
practical in proper decision-making and daily life situations
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:8
Greek Word: sophia - wisdom
Scriptural Role Models to Study: Solomon (1 Kings 3:1-28)
Characteristics of Someone with this Gift:
___ able to see how the Bible relates to daily life and how to apply Biblical principles to different
___ known for insight and ability to solve problems
___ able to offer practical solutions to difficult problems
___ seems to know what to do when others do not know what choices to make
___ often sought out for one’s opinions
Ministry Areas & Tasks Using This Gift:
Train others in the body to use this gift.
Counseling Ministry: variety of different types of counseling
Other Ministry: consultant, useful in almost any kind of ministry
Observations About This Gifting: • People with the gift of wisdom may be sought out by others. A
caution would be against letting themselves get over-burdened with advice seekers.